Saturday, October 30, 2010

utter chaos!

I want to begin this blog post by saying "Wow, my school is stupid." We have school on Monday. Right after Halloween. So today, I have to do all of my homework, work, carve pumpkins, decorate the house, and figure out my Halloween costume. Plus we're going out to eat for dinner with my grandma! Which isn't bad at all because I love free food! :D And I just got back from walking my dog, Fergus. I'm now off to eat lunch and get started on my homework. Talk to you guys tomorrow!

Friday, October 29, 2010

English class if fun! :D

Not! I'm in honors english class, which apparently means to my teacher that I have an extra 2 hours of my day to spare. Speaking of no time to spare, I've got to go teach guitar in about 5 minutes. Talk to you guys later.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I officially hate mondays...

It's official! I now hate mondays. School seems so much worse after 5 days of vacation. In case you don't know, all of Minnesota had school off Wednesday - Sunday this past week. School was the usual, which isn't really bad, but it just seemed to go much slower. The entire building had the heat on, which in Minnesota isn't always bad, but not when the heat causes some rooms (most of which I was in today) to be over 80 degrees. In about 15 minutes I'm heading to a 3 hour driver's ed class, which according to students of that class who took it this summer says, "IT SUCKS!" I'm hoping this is a bunch of crap but I seriously doubt it. Of course I'll have to re-heat whatever AWESOME food my awesome mother makes! (no sarcasm believe it or not!) Well, I ought to go now...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy Sunday!

Awoke at 11:30 this morning with the burning ambition to finish my homework. As of 4:45, I've completed almost nothing. Me and my family went shopping out of town, because there are no stores around where I live. We went to a Halloween store where everything was marked way up so we didn't get anything. We ate at Noodles and Company which was delicious, and went to the bookstore which never has books on things I'm interested in. Then we went to the craft store and got foam for my brother's halloween costume and then left. And this is my day.

What's new for you? New video coming next Wednesday! To make up for the lack of excitement, here's a picture of a cute dog.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The road trip in somewhat more detail!

Yesterday me and my family (minus my dad because he had to work) went down to my grandparent's house and hang out there for the day. We brought along our little dog Fergus too so we could let him run around. Boy, let me tell you, it sure was funny! Here's a clip of us dancing to ACDC in the car on the way back home!

Here's a couple of the many photos from yesterday too!

To see the rest of the photos, visit my flickr page!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Just got back from a little road trip thingy and I'm super tired. We went to my grandparents' house in Wisconsin. We did a lot of fun chores (im not joking!) and ran around with our cute little puppy Fergus. basically I'll post a bunch more stuff tomorrow (videos, pictures, and more of the story) I'm just too tired to do it now!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Thank god I've finally figured out my schedule! Now I'm planning on posting 1 video per week on my main youtube channel and I'm gonna try to do a video a day on my second channel! I'm also going to be posting on here every single day and maybe more than once! That's just a little update for you guys to let you know what's goin' on!!

Burger King punches innocent clowns...

Made a video with my friend Mike. (AeroSwift125 on youtube) You can watch it on my youtube channel page (click here) right now!!! It's really funny! Tell me what you think!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Woo-Hoo! No brother!

Yay for Sundays and the depressing end of a weekend of funnitudiness. Yep, it works like that. So my little brother's little buddy called him up and they hung out at his house like all day which was AMAZING!!!! Quite time for Jake! My mother suggested this uber good mexican restaurant in town called Tamales where they give you chips and lots of good stuff like that. You know the place is authentic when they're blaring Michael Jackson's "Just Beat It". You gotta love the midwest. Then we returned from that delicious adventure, we took the pooch de jake out to the woods where I shot this video. Fergus loves it out there.

Ok so off the topic of my ever so enjoyable and entertaining life, go to and download the app for free! It works on any computer, and it's a interactive reality show where you can do a bunch of cool stuff and pull pranks on the people there. It's fun and free!!! They're temporarily off line creating a even better prankhouse.

Oooh also, I'm uploading a video on Friday on my youtube channel !!! ! stay tuned for that schtuff.

Also in case you didn't know, I put short little clips on my second channel


Saturday, October 16, 2010

How awesome!

hey look over there! My Flickr Feed!!! I only have like 14 pictures so far, but there'll be more soon! Also, I helped my friend make his own youtube channel and vids! Check him out!

High School is so far not too bad, i guess. No hazing! haha.
i take pictures almost everyday on this new website Dailybooth... Here's my page!
That's about it for now!!! Bye