About Me!

If you are new, you probably don't know much about me yet. I am an official Minnesotan and have lived in the very cold state for most of my life. I had previously lived in Arizona for about the first four years of my life. I'm fifteen years old- have a learner's permit, and a freshman in High School. I have been interested in the video production/editing for a little bit over two years now, and I'm working hard to learn more about that very intriguing career field. I'm also interested in music, and especially guitar and bass. I've played guitar for over 10 years, and bass in the school orchestra for around 4 years. I started playing classical guitar, and have just branched out to electric guitar. I suck at electric, but I've only had it less than a year. DON'T JUDGE! haha. Well, you should go read the actual blog instead of this side page... If you're new, send me an email! I'd love to hear from ya! Thanks! :D